Here is an inside look behind the scenes of how Tom, me and the site have almost completely different views on the top ten games of the last decade.
I’d still play almost any of them at the drop of a hat. Except Fortnite.
Here is an inside look behind the scenes of how Tom, me and the site have almost completely different views on the top ten games of the last decade.
I’d still play almost any of them at the drop of a hat. Except Fortnite.
Atari (actually Atari, not a licensee) is releasing a mini-console that will play Atari 2600 and Atari 7800 cartridges
At 80% the size of the original Atari 2600, it outputs via HDMI, comes with a controller and a 10-game cartridge and a logo that glows when you turn it on. All for the $130 USD, which in my view is a tad over priced by $80 USD.
No doubt it runs on a Raspberry Pi and has a USB power source, which means it will be cracked, making it quite a collectable. Unless the new Atari CEO has vision of re-releasing cartridges, it’s hard to see how this will be a strong money maker for them.
Here is my review of the Retron 77 which is still available for about $80 USD, which makes the $130 USD price, with the inclusion of Atari 7800 compatibility a slight bit more palatable.
Tom and Phil go over a Top 100 Playstation games, Tom’s top five games of all time before getting into the news (Gerstmanngate 2, GTA6, Bayonetta 3, Oculus Quest 2) and then give final impressions of Wandersong and first impressions of Omori.
Phil Fogg
Paw Patrol Mighty Pups Save Adventure Bay is a collectathon 3D platformer with QTE’s and minigames based on a very popular children’s entertainment franchise created by a toy company. Is it possible for it to be any good?
Find Out in Phil Fogg’s review.
In this episode Tom and Phil revisit This War of Mine, as they’ve recently announced a re-release for modern consoles as well as a fundraising activity for Ukrainians. We also talk about what we’ve been playing the latest gaming news and a new gaming magazine released in Australia.
Phil Fogg
We talk about the Tomb raider and Max Payne reboots before Tom goes on to review COVID (finally!), and Phil weighs in on what could be the first work simulator, Wall Street Kid and it’s uncanny resemblance to Papers, Please. Tom also reviews the controversial game, Detention before Phil covers more urbane games like the Paw Patrol offerings.
Finally we cover Sky and the meaning behind it, as well as Gran Turismo 7. It’s a content packed show, so buckle up.
A bonus episode to get us through Easter, a retrospective of the Grand Theft Auto franchise through GTA5.
- Phil Fogg
Tom gives his first impressions of Gran Turismo 7 before we both talk about A Short Hike (new mod just dropped), Metamorphosis, Asphalt Legends 9 and more. I also talk about my adventures with Hakchi, the easiest way to play legal backups of NES and SNES games that you own.
Thanks for listening - Phil Fogg
A scene from The Good Life
Tom and Phil give first impressions of Kirby and the Forgotten Land, Paper Mario The Origami King, and the Nintendo Switch.
Tom also reviews the The Good Life, the latest game from Deadly Premonition director SWERY65.
We may make time for some Trademark Banter as well.
Tom reviews the third entry in Croteams’ classic FPS series. NoClip’s, Danny O’Dwyer recently put together a history of the series which includes a great interview with the composer for the series, which I’ve embedded after Tom’s Review