Game Under Episode 12

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This week we continue (and end) our Naughty Dog obsession with Tom's completion of Uncharted 3 (he reveals his score as well).   

Phil Fogg is joined for the second half of our show by Dave Ader, where they discuss The Last of Us with plenty of gameplay and story spoilers. 

Please Note Spoiler Indicators below: 

0:00:17 Blink and You'll Miss It

Trademark Banter 
0:02:15 Phil Gets a PS3 Super Slim

Aural Review
0:06:37 Uncharted 3
0:25:00 Spoilers Begin Here

Final Impressions
1:03:08 The Last of Us with Guest Co-Host Dave Ader
1:15:40 Spoilers Begin Here

Game Under Episode 11

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Trademark Banter
0:01:45 Australia Dominates Iraq, is now on par with Iran
0:04:53 Phil Has a Kindle/ Book Suggestion 
0:06:25 Tom's Deadly Premonition Review is up, we talk about his review

Ongoing Impressions
0:08:40 Phil comments on one week with last of Us
0:14:15 Splinter Cell Discussion (on stealth)

0:15:15 Aussie Prices for the Next Gen & NZ Wii U for $200!
0:19:45 Xbox ONE-80. Microsoft's existential crisis reaches boiling point
0:23:20 So will we get one?
0:24:10 One Time Check-in Theory
0:25:10 What's the difference Between XBOX3 and PS4?
0:31:50 Phil Fish, Racism, Nintendo etcetera
0:34:10 Sony. It was good while it lasted (Patch Bricking)
0:38:00 Our E3 Coverage Last Week. We touch on Mirror's Edge, Titanfall and other omissions.
0:41:25 NPD
0:45:30 Which would we buy in the top ten?
0:48:05 Oculus Rift Talk and Phil's Dating Advice

Aural Review
0:54:20 Uncharted 2 (some spoilers, but c'mon) Doom 2, Last of Us, Donkey Kong and many other games discussed as we go through some game design basics. Also, Tom's Shocking score reveal for Uncharted 2.

Game Under Episode 10

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E3 Reactions
0:07:25 Microsoft Apologizes for Rape
0:09:50 The Price - Would we buy it?
0:16:00 The Games - MGS5, Dead Rising 3, Forza, Quantum Break and discussion of FMV games, The Last Express, Ryse, Killer Instinct,
0:30:05 We Declare RARE Dead
0:31:20 D4 From SWERY65
0:32:45 PSN+ Coming to XBLive
0:33:55 Synopsis of Microsoft Conference
0:36:35 The Physical Box
0:38:55 No DRM. Bam!
0:42:55 $399. Bam!
0:43:55 Mic Drop
0:47:50 Bye-bye Free Multiplayer (Tom and Phil fight over $5)
0:55:35 Tom posits, "How did they get away with it?"
0:57:20 The Games - GT6, GTA5, Last of Us, Beyond, FF15, Kingdom hearts 3, Assassin's Creed, Diablo 3.
0:58:20 Diablo 3 Discussion - or not?
1:00:00 Vita Stuff
1:01:05 Last Guardian News
1:01:40 Synopsis of Sony Conference
1:04:15 WTFinal Fantasy 15 (and Phil says what Square Should Do)
1:08:40 Tom Says They "Won" E3
1:10:10 Phil "Ahems" Then Says Nintendo Did Great but ...
1:10:45 Phil Melts Down on how Racist Nintendo Is
1:13:00 Phil continues in his normal tone, and says that Nintendo is doing fine
1:13:20 Tom Brings Up Cammy
1:14:55 A 3D Mario! In 2D!
1:20:05 Super Smash Bros.
1:21:30 Pokemonx and Pokemony
1:22:45 We Declare Retro Dead
1:27:05 Third Party Games
1:28:10 Eidos. Whores.

First Impressions
1:30:35 Last of Us First Impressions from Phil

Aural Reviews
1:47:55 Uncharted: Drakes Fortune (An Aural Review) - and some Jurassic Park Talk, and some lesbian room-mate talk. Okay, that was link bait. Sorry.
2:36:45 Metro 2033 (An Aural Review) 

3:14:40 Phil Fogg's Uncharted Review: The Musical.

Game Under Episode 9

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"Kissy Face Deals."

Tom Towers and Phil Fogg give analysis of the latest news, E3 hype and predictions
and some hands-on impressions of Remember Me and a mystery game.  We also take our first live call from a listener.

0:00:45 Introductory statements
0:01:30 Games we picked up this week (aka Trademark Banter)

Feature One: E3 Predictions with Our Anonymous Source
0:07:30 Final Fantasy 15?
0:08:25 Final Fantasy 15 a Sony Exclusive?
0:10:50 Respawn's Project an MS Exclusive?
0:12:00 Sony Will Also Have "always on" DRM
0:14:05 Vita Price Drop?
0:18:10 3DS Price Drop? (and why Tom reviles handheld consoles)
0:19:10 Release Dates, but No Prices
0:20:10 What Will Naughty Dog Show?
0:20:55 Fallout 4 and Kingdom Hearts 3?
0:22:25 New Peripheral from Nintendo?
0:24:00 Zelda, SSBU, Metroid?
0:25:25 Wii U Price Drop?
0:29:35 Live call from listener on Last Guardian E3 Predictions.
0:35:00 Tom and Phil talk about The Last Guardian
0:27:20 Sony's Indy/ Art Obsession

First Impressions
0:37:55 Remember Me
1:01:50 Mystery Game Preamble
1:04:35 Mystery Game Impressions

1:12:45 The Straight Dope from Microsoft on Xbox One
1:14:55 Phil's Brain Completely Melts Down, mentions Bin Laden and US Immigration Policy (and Apple)
1:16:15 Straight Dope Resumes
1:23:30 Sony's Dilemma
1:26:05 The Console Future for Phil and Tom
1:28:06 Keifer is Snake? Snaaaake!
1:32:00 (Same Topic) Why GTA4 Should Have Been a Call to Jihad (just kidding NSA)
1:34:26 (Same Topic) He's not even American
1:35:01 (Same Topic) Fake Australians
1:36:23 Last of Us Critical Reception
1:43:40 Trickery (and mis-pronunciation of hyperbole) - Greater discussion of reviews
1:48:30 Animal Crossing Reviews
1:52:11 Drunken Dude Busted (Tekken related)
1:55:41 Final E3 Predictions from Phil

Final Impressions
1:56:22 Remember Me (no seriously)
2:01:33 Deadly Premonition (farewell, sweet prince)

Game Under Episode 8

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0:00:37 Intro
0:01:12 Trademark Banter
0:04:15 Red Dead Redemption: Undead First Impressions
0:04:50 Resident Evil: Revelations and discussion on back-tracking
0:12:20 Police Quest
0:17:15 Pirate's Booty
0:21:00 Normal
0:21:30 Ladders in Video Games
0:23:20 Metro: Last Light Final Thoughts
0:26:30 What's worse? Bad enemy AI or bad Ally AI?

Feature Number One
0:39:10 Next Gen Graphics?

0:59:44 Xbox One Update (What if Sony does the same thing?)
1:01:55 MLB The Show. Outrage.
1:06:06 Blizzard is Melting
1:11:50 Sonic Mario Galaxy
1:13:30 Warren Spector is a Clown (and Wolfenstein 3D trivia)

First Impressions
1:17:40 Costume Quest (and parental advice)
1:19:00 Great Intros in Games
1:21:40 Septerra Core [sic]
1:25:25 To the Moon
1:38:10 Autism
1:42:30 Proteus

YakuzaKillzONE Minute
1:50:10 Wii U Version is an "experiment"

Deadly Premonition Special (Spoiler Free)
1:55:47 Tom Gets Sucked In






Game Under Episode 7

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2:00 Xbox One Conference
8:50 Game.Com  Console Gets Some Respect
8:55 Back to Xbox One Conference
21:55 Tom's Scathing Attack on Microsoft

22:55 Phil's Shameless Defense of Microsoft
26:20 Resumption of Xbox One Conference Discussion
38:30 What the Wii Did Right With Motion Control

48:30 The Positives of the Xbox One Reveal
50:40 The Look of the PS4
51:40 So What about the Copyright Infringing Directional Pad?

Final Thoughts (Games We Finished)
58:45 Malicious (PS3/ Vita)
1:05:59 Resistance 3 Best FPS of this Generation?
1:09:30 Tomb Raider Impressions

First Impressions (Games We Started)
1:31:10 Deadly Premonition: Director's Cut

Tom Tower's Mindless Self Indulgence
2:14:17 An Excerpt From Malicious

Game Under Episode 6

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00:15 Tribute to Aarny
00:27 Introduction
00:45 Phil's new games this week.
02:06 Halloween and ANZAC Day.
04:41 Tom talks about games he has gotten.
05:28 Resident Evil Revelations Impressions from Tom and Sub-discussion about limited resources and pacing.

27:30 NPD - A Big Downturn.
36:45 Nintendo Shuts Down Playthrough Tutorials on YouTube
43:30 EA Abandons Online Passes (coded DRM for Multiplayer) and side-discussion of Wii U
49:15 Nintendo Direct (we play Care/ Don't Care)

YakuzaZillzONE Minute
57:00 Yakuza 1 and 2 HD coming to Wii U (and side discussion of Wii U price in Australia)
and ... Yakuza 5 Has Sold 590K in Japan

1:01:00 PS4 Potential Detailed in Killzone tech Specs

1:09:00 Metro: Last Light


Game Under Episode 5

It's our monthly BIG SHOW, so you may want to use our timeline guide below.  We have an interview with horror expert Rob Lowzak, exclusive Australian impressions of Deadly Premonition: Director's Cut and we talk about our recent and favorite horror games.

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Horror Special

2:53 Apology to the Japanese People.

3:25 Mrs Fogg Buys Some Games

10:00 Deadly Premonition: Director's Cut Impressions.

22:45 Left 4 Dead 2 Impressions (with lots of Half-Life 2 discussion)​

48:40 Cursed Mountain Impressions

Feature 1

1:08:15 What is it about horror that translates so well to video games?

Interview with Rob Lowzak
1:11:00 Horror Expert Takes Us Through the History of Horror Gaming
2:21:15 Alan Wake Impressions
2:27:15 Alan Wake: American Nightmare Impressions

Feature 2
2:31:30 Our Favorite Horror Games
2:32:00 Condemned
2:38:30 Rule of Rose

2:48:10 Vocal Performance by John (@aarny91) (These Owls Can't See Me)

Game Under Episode 4

Before getting into the news of the week Tom and Phil go over all the latest GTA5 news and focus on the evolution of the popular franchise

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GTA Special
0:07 GTA Through the Ages
24:15 We Watch the Latest Trailer

37:22 Welcome to the Show!
39:45 One Last GTA Thing: Odin Sphere and how it is like GTA.

50:05 Eternal Darkness Sequel
58:19 3D Mario Coming by October
1:00:57 Respawn on Durango Only

YakuzaKillzONE Minute
1:06:48 Killzone and PS4 Controller
1:08:47 Yakuza Restaurant Shoot-out

Game Impressions
1:11:40 Dyad
1:35:18 Resistance 3

Game Under Episode 3

Tom Towers and Phil Fogg break from their monthly podcasting schedule go over the week's news and anything else gaming related in their lives.​

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3:29 Nintendo Skipping Keynote at E3 2013 (Nintendo too Embarassed)

11:20 EA Shuts Down EA Partners

22:51 XCOM Shooter is Alive and Has a New Name

27:55 HOTD iOS

31:05 Durango Details Coming May 21 (Microsoft to Anger Millions)

35:35 Shinji Mikami's New Game

​43:33 Dragon's Crown Controversy

51:59 Thomas Was Alone Might Come to 360


54:50 Tom Goes There (points out how Killzone is better than Call of Duty)

1:21:21 The Tiny Yakuza Section of Tom's 28 minute Killzone Feature

Final Thoughts (Games we finished this week)

​1:23:40 Spec Ops: The Line (Multiplayer Impressions)

1:32:33 Serious Sam 3 (Phil Thanks Tom for Beating the Game for Him)

1:33:45 Bully (Phil Fog's Final Thoughts)

They are only pictures people.

They are only pictures people.

Game Under Episode 2

Tom Towers and Phil Fogg break from their monthly podcasting schedule  go over the week's news and anything else gaming related in their lives.​

Stream Above or Download Directly Here (right-click then save as).​​  You may also listen to our shows using Stitcher.

Also, please subscribe to our podcast using RSS by clicking here.​​ Or Subscribe with iTunes.

Howl of the Dragon Golfer
0:01 (MP3) (Article Source) (EP)

2:45 Kaz is coming to Hots Shots Golf.

4:04 Killzone Director Says PS4 is Not Just a High End PC


​7:29 Nintendo Direct Conference

40:25 March 2013 NPD
Sega Saturn with Memory Card

Sega Saturn with Memory Card

Game Under Episode 1

​Tom Towers and Phil Fogg move their act to a new stage.  This episode includes over an hour of discussion on Spec Ops: The Line (spoilers from 1:33:00 through 2:30:55) as well has hands-on impressions of Evoland, Zeno Clash, Serious Sam 3, Killzone, Bully and Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. The Soulless Army.​

Stream Above or Download Directly Here (right-click then save as).​​

Also, please subscribe to our podcast using RSS by clicking here.​ or subscribe with iTunes here.

Download the EP featuring Sweet Billy Revolt here.​


3:31 Evoland impressions and talk about referencial humour and impersonation.

10:45 Zeno Clash and review processes at big websites.

27:15 Serious Sam 3 and how Phil would fix it.

40:45 Killzone 1 with some Yakuza talk.

51:00 Bully and soap opera talk.

1:05:45 Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. The Soulless Army impressions.


1:17:25 Spec Ops: The Line in-depth discussion.

SPOILERS BEGIN AT 1:33:00 and end at 2:30:55


2:30:55 GTA Tracks Now on Spotify and iTunes followed by discussion of favorite GTA songs.

2:36:40 Brain Training is Culturally Insensitive as are the Japanese.

2:39:23 Bioware Says Jade Empire Would Have Been Huge 360 Launch Game.

2:42:50 Oculus Rift and discussion of virtual reality.

2:46:12 PC Shipments Down and analysis.

2:51:15 Cancelled Mega Man FPS.


2:53:28 Square Enix Problems plus Bonus Material.


3:00:50 Dvader's Backlog and his Gaming Malaise.

3:08:28 Discussion of the history of QTE's and Boss Battles from

3:23:08 Slave Billy Revolt adapted from an article at

The Press Room Episode 136

Tom "Foolz" Towers of and friend Aarny return to host the 136th episode of The Pressroom (while playing Left4Dead). On hand impressions of Left4Dead 2 (PC), God of War Collection (PS3), A Virus Named Tom (PC),
Demon Souls (PS3), Sly Cooper Collection (PS3), The Book of Unwritten Tales: The Critter Chronicles (PC), Journey (PS3), The Ship (PC), Half-Life (PC), Antichamber (PC), Nickerpole (PC), Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 (PC), Killzone 2 (PS3), Borderlands (PS3) and a Football gamegasm (soccer, sorry).​
