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Everyone hates re-runs, unless it's a teaser. Or cold pizza.
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Everyone hates re-runs, unless it's a teaser. Or cold pizza.
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0:00:21 Hobo and the Narc
Trademark Banter
0:01:09 Hallo and Cześć to Belgium and Poland.
0:01:48 Fogg Uncovers WTO Scheme to Keep the Player Down.
Final Thoughts
0:07:41 Fogg gives impressions of this month's Games for Gold bonus; Sunset Overdrive.
0:21:03 Xbox One Streaming to PC Review.
Final Thoughts - Killzone: Shadowfall
0:25:32 Killzone franchise, Dutch satire and Spec Ops: The Line.
0:38:13 KillZone: Shadowfall impressions start here.
1:00:21 Killzone's Future.
Trademark Banter
1:02:18 Filling the Generation Gap.
Final Thoughts
1:18:21 Gunstar Heroes (Scored).
1:32:12 Metal Slug Series & the NeoGeo.
1:32:42 Tom Answers an Important Question.
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0:00:20 Prolific Phil & Literate Tom,
Trademark Banter
0:02:49 Naughty Dog Hates Fat People.
0:06:27 Fogg Boycotting Uncharted 4.
First Impressions: Telltale's Michonne (The Walking Dead)
0:10:14 Both Hosts Discuss Michonne.
0:12:40 Larger Discussion of Telltale's prior game, and overall pacing in story based games.
0:19:25 Can Auteur Aesthetic Scale?
0:20:40 Final Fantasy 15, Square and of course... Yakuza.
0:22:20 Let the Michonne Impressions Begin!
0:23:15 The Essence of The Walking Dead.
0:27:17 Aussie, Aussie, Aussie.
0:27:15 Kim Mathis vs Jackie Brown.
0:29:45 Season Two of The Walking Dead - Final Impressions.
0:35:45 Fogg's Pet Peeve.
0:38:08 Towers Points Out "the problem with the French".
Trademark Banter
0:43:57 An E-Bay Mystery.
0:48:52 Fogg Buys Some Games.
0:51:07 Blizzard Trolls Critics.
0:55:30 We Go There.
0:57:23 First Amendment, Games, and Taking Offense.
Final Impressions
0:58:22 Rise of the Tomb Raider.
1:07:04 Female James Bond.
1:10:08 Master of Unlocking is Crystal Dynamics.
1:17:30 Tom and Phi Have a Tiff.
Final Impressions
1:20:20 Both Hosts Give Final Impressions of The Order: 1886.
1:34:18 Use of Setting.
1:37:52 We Go There. Again (GTA IV Alternate Plot).
1:45:33 Towers Predicts A Turn
1:56:37 Towers, " of the best thigs about The Order".
2:02:49 Scores? Towers Perplexes Fog
2:04:44 Towers Explains Tension
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Tom and Phil hope you enjoy this spoilercast, but please do not listen to it until you have finished Life Is Strange. It is certainly a game worth playing, and one whil weighed heavily in our 2015 Game of the Year Considerations.
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0:00:33 Not BTTF, Just BFFs
Trademark Banter
0:01:02 Metallica Roadie Story.
0:03:08 *Spoilers* Africa and Western Australia Conquered by Game Under Podcast
0:05:43 Gold. Just Buy Gold
0:06:47 Global Under Podcast
0:08:47 Endless Backlog Spoilercast for Life is Strange
0:12:08 What Teenagers Want to Play
0:17:21 Tom Towers Games of the Year
0:17:55 Giantbomb Wikipedia Award
0:30:09 Tom Has a Stroke, LIVE, on the Show
0:30:55 We Score Stardew Valley... Yes. Like I said, Tom had a stroke
0:33:00 The Order 1886 Introduction to Tom Towers Games of the Year
0:57:30 Carwash Story
1:08:20 TAN TAN
1:17:15 Sausage Talk
1:38:30 "Populations, Degradation, it's Culmination"
1:43:30 *Hotline Miami 2 Scored*
1:45:06 The MLG Olympiad Podium and Honorable Mentions
*No more timeline from here, it would be spoilers*
2:17:45 Analysis of Awards
2:27:45 What Games Tom is Looking Forward to in 2016
2:43:00 It Continues
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0:00:14 Dear Esther (Episode 41)
Trademark Banter
0:01:09 This Just In (Breaking NEWS)
0:03:30 Tom Troll SuperBunnyHop
0:06:45 Fogg Predicts Dangerous Golf Will Be a Hit
First Impressions
0:11:37 Xbox One Hardware Review
0:24:17 Nintendo's Differentiation
Trademark Banter
0:28:03 The Turn - The Real Reason Fogg Bought an XB1
0:29:33 Star Wars
0:33:48 Playstation VR Pricing
First Impressions
0:54:45 Stardew Valley
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The High Orange Hobby Horse of the Apocalypse: A Complex Entity Composed of an Almost Infinite Number of Incredibly Simple and Minute Things.
In memory of Leigh Alexander.
The Parts and their Players:
The Ancient Vivisectionist: Alfred Hitchock
Pokie, the Orange Horse of Scurvy: Super Bunnyhop, Ahoy, Matthewmatosis, and Sunder
Tom Towers: Tom Towers
The Ghost of Podcast Past: Phil Fogg.
Hugo: Brandon deWilde
Irene: Diane Dors
The Poets: Edgar Allan Poe, Charles Baudelaire, T.S. Eliot, Wallace Stevens and the vessels through which their words have been transmuted.
Prologue: Alfred Hitchcock and Super Bunnyhop consider the nature of reality; Tom Towers heeds their words, but the seed which they plant is insidious and toxic…
0:00: Censorship of the Vivisectionist’s Apprentice
1:22: The Internet Atheism Bubble: Richard Dawkins' legacy is the internet meme; coincidentally, Richard Dawkins' meme was originally tongue-in-cheek.
Act One: Tom Tower’s humanity is in its death throes, as the seed begins to sprout for the atheistic bubble has burst, disseminating its poisonous pollen.
16:50: To Science
17:38: How Easily Can One Forgive a Dude Talking?: Ahoy, Super Bunnyhop, Matthewmatosis.
Act Two: Tom Tower’s is half man, half machine; lucid but unfeeling—yet signs of his humanity spark like static electricity in the circuits of his mind, expressed as impotent, irrational outrage.
24:58: Au Lecteur
26:04: In the Beginning was the Word, and the Word was Post-Modernism: Sunder’s Shovel Knight walkthrough; a Symbol of the failings of videogame criticism in the video format.
Act three: Tom Tower’s descent into mechanical madness is complete, incoherent and frigid he is repulsed by the equally incoherent humanity of others: is man, now, merely a machine posing as a collective pseudo-consciousness in the form of the internet?
41:15: Journey of the Magi: departure
42:31: 9/11: The Event That Revised World History: how to misapply the three act structure, and the myriad ways in which one may be conditioned into misunderstanding another’s or even one’s own culture.
52:05: Journey of the Magi: arrival
53:10: Philosophy: what is it good for?
Epilogue: The ghost of Phil Fogg inspires in Tom Towers one last redeeming glimpse of his own humanity.
58:13: Anecdote of the Jar
58:48: The Ghost of Podcast Past: Tom Towers finds redemption.
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0:00:16 No wait! There will be Tom!
Trademark Banter
00:06:07 Tom and Phil
First Impressions
00:07:00 Ape Escape
First Impressions
00:15:52 Tom Gets a Wii U!
00:26:51 Phil Gets a Wii U!
Trademark Banter
00:34:30 Paralympics
00:36:10 Podcast Theory
First Impressions
00:39:00 Xbox One Hardware Impressions
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0:23:07 John Logie Baird
Trademark Banter
0:02:25 Pokie, Horse of Scurvy
First Impressions
0:03:15 American Truck Simulator
Trademark Banter
0:20:33 Hyper Magazine Check-in and greater Discussion of influence of larger socierty on game development.
Game Under Site Awards for GOTY
0:42:35 The Gundies
1:08:34 Tom Towers Final Thoughts on Undertale
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0:00:47 Witness Pre-amble
First Impressions, Both Hosts
0:05:00 The Witness
0:23:10 The Influence of Myst
0:37:33 How About The Talos Principle?
0:41:55 Is $40 Too Much For This Game?
0:45:29 ACE Team's Body of Work and Tom's Review of Deadly Tower of Monsters
Trademark Banter
0:53:29 Saint's Row on PSP, Greater Discussion of Sain't Row Franchise
1:02:20 Phil Fogg's Personal GOTY Awards "The Foggies"
1:46:15 Fogg's Complete List of Games for 2015
Trademark Banter
1:53:11 Endless Backlog GOTY
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0:00:22 Order is Restored, Podcast Dude is Back
Trademark Banter
0:02:55 DS Styles May Change in 50 Years and Acrylic Chickens
0:05:42 Fogg's Bi-cultural Hardware Union
0:08:01 Fogg's Tales from the Game Store
0:16:42 Steam Sale Pick-ups and Thumbnail Impressions
Final Impressions with Score
0:22:26 Fogg examines the PS4 exclusive The Order: 1886
Trademark Banter
0:39:49 GOTY 2015 Discussion
0:48:51 Bioshock is No Longer Our New Overlord
Final Impressions with Score
0:53:01 Surprising Review of Yakuza 5
Trademark Banter
1:11:03 Oculus Rift - Is VR the new 3D, or a World Changer?
Final Impressions with Score
01:23:56 Grow Home
01:28:41 Ejaculatory Theme?
First Impressions
1:43:14 Octodad: The Dadliest Catch
Trademark Banter
1:46:36 Fogg's Hardware Problems and How He Resolved Them
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Happy New Year. Tom Towers and Aarny carry the torch from 2015 into 2016 with this reflective episode where they cover every game they played in 2015. This is a show not to be missed.
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0:00:23 Breaking Tradeark Banter (Just In)
0:07:37 Tom Dissects Equal Distribution of Media Quality Over Time
Trademark Banter
0:28:15 FFA Fan Ban Update
First Impressions
0:34:41 PES MyClub 2016 (Both Hosts)
0:53:16 Yakuza 5 (and the franchise in general)
Trademark Banter
1:18:25 Son of Shed Builder Outdoes Game Under
1:26:38 When Media Eclipses the Source Material
First Impressions
1:46:27 Resident Evil: Revelations 2
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0:00:19 Bam!, Right Into It.
Trademark Banter
0:00:30 How The Game Under Podcast Began.
0:04:05 Trivia Point!
0:04:30 Bad Transition
Video Game Stuff
0:04:31 Valve is a Lie
Lasting Impressions
0:09:41 Prison Architect
Entertaining Interlude
0:16:30 PES Review
Video Game Stuff
0:17:30 Games Are Not Retail
0:21:55 Nintendo's NX
0:27:30 Blues and Bullets
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Trademark Banter
0:00:01 Sportstalk
0:15:00 Ebay Still Hasn't Found What I'm Looking For
More Thoughts
0:17:43 Fallout 4
First Impressions
0:27:52 Darksiders II: The Deathfinitive Edition
Tom Towers Final Thoughts and Score
0:35:00 The Witcher III: Hearts of Stone
Trademark Banter
0:51:45 A 24 Year Old Box
0:54:45 Hardware Problems, PS4 and Retron 5
1:02:03 PES Goes Free to Play
Both Hosts Final Thoughts and Score
1:06:42 The Graveyard
1:33:57 Sunset
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2:52: The Sand Table’s Irrelevance of Game Design
Anything said by anyone working at Naughty Dog is carefully composed enough that it is ultimately meaningless, so one cannot draw any real conclusions from such statements: an artist's primary and only motivation in their public discourse is to promote their own commercial work, after all…
But when I can confuse the writer of The Last of Us and Uncharted, while noting their differences in technique, it does raise certain questions...about my literacy, and Naughty Dog's authenticity.
Or simply that they did not like the ending because that made dude a dick, and they never woulda done that themselves because they’ve lived a very sheltered life.
17:07: A Disingenuous Vision of Games Journalism
Watergate…I mean, that’s just like leaking the script to a game in production, right?
Running over Devolver Digital in my Journalist Bus without checking e-mail and article dates, because I’m a videogame journalist. Just don’t sue me for slander, please. I’m a journalist! I have rights!
Critical of its own fictional bullshit in a story that then did not yet exist…in the public domain—wait, I’d inadvertently leaked the Hotline Miami 2 script? Fuck me, no wonder it was banned in Australia.
I have an acrimonious relationship with the English language, journalists, the English and Americans. Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, oi! oi! oi!
42:38: Post-Script
I dabble in sensational journalistic incompetence.
I share my delusions of grandeur, inspired by The Sand Table.
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This week we give first impressions of Fallout 4, Witcher 3: The Heart of Stone and Lisa, (another auteur indie game).
We give our highpoints of the latest Nintendo Direct, an also talk about an Australian company that is already using VR combined with lasertag as pubic entertainment.
We quickly resolve which is the better console (Retron 5 vs. XBOne).
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0:00:23 Big Show's are Explained
Trademark Banter
0:03:16 Games of the Year
0:04:20 Fallout 4
0:06:23 Skype is Better with Friends
Final Thoughts WITH SCORE
0:08:53 Both Hosts Discuss The Beginner's Guide from Stanley Parable Creator
0:19:00 Spoilers From Here on
0:41:20 Spoilers End Here and Score
Trademark Banter
0:43:35 Legends of Orth
Final Thoughts WITH SCORE
0:47:01 Both Hosts have Spoiler Free Discussion of Life is Strange Episode 1-5
Trademark Banter
1:00:30 Microsoft and the Status of XB1
Final Impressions WITH SCORE
1:07:45 Phil Fogg Wraps up PC RPG Undertale
Back o' the Box
1:17:05 Tom Towers Guesses Games
Additional Thoughts on MGS 5 Chapter 1 WITH SCORE
1:27:40 Tom Gets to the First (real?) Credit Roll
Trademark Banter
2:07:30 Latest Issue of Hyper
Final Thoughts on Life is Strange SPOILER VERSION
2:16:20 We Also See How Our Predictions Held Up
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Cold Intro
0:00:00 SAG AFTRA Strike Vote
0:06:35 Game Under Takes a Stand
Intro Song Gets an Intro (For Once, Some Respect)
0:09:16 Song "Sung" By Tom Towers
Trademark Banter Taster
0:10:05 Our Legacy
0:11:25 Interstitial Update
0:13:38 Tom on Prime Minsters, Guessing a Game and Endless Backlog
First Impressions
0:15:58 Undertale (Frog Fractions 2)
Quiz Segment
0:35:00 Back 'o the Box Returns
0:39:59 Game Under Flashback GOLD
First Impressions
0:45:12 Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes
First Impressions
0:52:41 Metal Gear Solid V's Online Mode
Trademark Gaming News Banter
1:08:26 Horizon: Zero Dawn and Killzone Memories
1:15:57 The Continuing Fall of THPS
Final Thoughts
1:21:46 Shovel Knight: Plague Knight
Final Thoughts and SCORE
1:40:35 Driver San Francisco
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0:00:21 Our Fight Against Annualization
Trademark Banter
0:01:03 Truck Crash Causes Gay Movie
0:04:02 Koala Survives 100 kph Head-on Collision with Car
0:06:25 Fogg Prediction Comes True
0:08:54 Politician is Gameundered, or Gunded
0:09:32 Fogg's New Studio, His Drapes are Baffling
0:10:24 Fogg Quits Caffiene, May God Have Mercy on our Souls
0:11:03 Big Games of 2015, What's Left?
First Impressions
0:12:21 Endless Backlog Pimpage
0:14:35 Towers on Metal Gear Solid 5
Trademark Banter
0:47:08 Ernest Cline's Armarda
Final Thoughts *Absolute Spoilers, but it doesn't matter, trust us*
0:50:53 Both hosts on Episode One of Blues and Bullets
0:51:51 Elliot Ness? More like Elliot MESS
Trademark Banter
1:23:17 Listeners Choose...
1:24:35 Games From the Future Issue of Hyper
Further Impressions
1:28:53 Both Hosts on Life is Strange 1-4