Game Under Episode 33

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0:00:16 Rob from Joins Us

First Impressions From Rob
0:06:01 Super Mario World 3D
0:13:55 Ducktails
0:21:55 SEGA Arcade Classics 3D
0:27:00 2DS Impressions

First Impressions from Tom
0:30:35 Steamworld Dig (PC)

Turning Point
0:34:02 Skylanders Swapforce
0:39:30 Assassin's Creed: Black Flag
0:41:50 QWOP

First Impressions of Steamworld Dig Continues
0:43:45 Steamworld Dig
1:01:30 How Puzzle Games Get Big

First Impressions from Phil
1:16:00 Antichamber
1:35:30 Metro 2033

1:44:45 Al Lowe Takes High Ground 
1:51:15 Mandela Dies 
1:55:45 Pokemon Bank Has Annual Subscription 
1:59:00 Gran Turismo 6 Sales Low in Japan 
2:04:30 YouTube Drops ban Hammer on Gamers 

Game Under Episode 32

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0:00:00 Four by Miles Davis Quintet
0:00:15 Guest Co-Host David Ader

Trademark Banter
0:01:00 World Cup Fever

First Impressions
0:02:00 Killzone: Shadow Fall (PS4) 
0:28:12 Battlefield 4 (PS4)
0:32:12 NBA2K14 (PS4)
0:44:31 Need for Speed: Rivals (PS4)
0:50:44 Resogun (PS4)
0:55:65 Contrast (PS4)
0:59:31 The Swapper (PC)
1:06:29 Hyperdimension Neptunia: Victory

PS4 Hardware Impressions
1:25:14 David Talks About the PS4 Itself

News 1:51:10
Ashes Cricket Cancelled After Release 
Dark Souls 2 Update
Gran Turismo 6 Crtitical Reception
Dragon's Crown Sells 800K Physical

2:08:05 Tom Mulls Over The Last of Us

Game Under Episode 31

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0:04:20 The Dawn of the 8th Generation
0:05:55 Vita Direct Streaming
0:07:20 Large Installations
0:10:20 The Good News
0:13:00 New Nintendo Games

First Impressions
0:13:55 The Swapper

Final Thoughts
0:26:25 Papo and Yo

0:40:47 Ueda Apologizes for The Last Guardian
0:43:30 Persona 5 Announced for PS3 (Manacles Talk)
0:46:05 Pick Misfits Attic's Next Game

Aural Review
0:48:53 The Last of Us (Spoilers Galore)

Game Under Episode 30

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0:00:22 Big Show Six is an FPS Special

Trademark Banter
0:02:00 Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons Control Scheme
0:04:44 Phil Explains Epiphiny of Ending of Enslaved (STORY SPOILERS)
0:06:58 Tom's Review at Laser Lemming of WWE2K14 
0:08:13 More Enslaved (Last Time, I Promise)
0:11:37 Journey of a Roach 

FPS Feature Part One
0:12:00 The Nominees (FPS Games Phil Beat This Generation)
0:14:00 Stagnation of the FPS Genre
0:17:05 "Mediocre" Games That Are Actually Must-Play
0:22:08 Tom's Honorable Mentions
0:28:12 Journals in Video Games
0:33:25 Cheesing as a Boss Strategy
0:36:20 Old School Elements of FPS Games

Final Impressions 
0:39:30 Tom Revisits His Review of Killzone 3 After Playing Killzone 1
0:43:00 Star Wars Versus Star Trek Spacecraft
1:03:55 Killzone 3's Story (SPOILERS)
1:17:30 Phil Reviews Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
1:19:50 No Russian (STORY SPOILERS)
1:24:50 Is Modern Warfare a FPS?
1:26:40 Aim Assist Inherent in Modern FPS

FPS Feature Part Two
1:32:40 Key Elements of FPS
1:42:50 First Person Action Games
1:57:08 Best Innovation in FPS
2:02:09 Most Disappointing Move in FPS
2:08:40 What Do We Want from Next Gen?
Final Impressions (STORY SPOILERS)
2:13:55 Tom Reviews Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (STORY SPOILERS)
2:57:00 Exploitation?
3:05:45 Politics of War in Games
3:07:45 Stormin' Norman

FPS Feature Part Three
3:16:10 Top Five FPS of the Generation
3:28:00 Most Notable FPS of the Generation
3:32:05 Worst FPS Games of the Generation
3:38:00 The History of FPS in Terms of Influence (Poland)

3:39:50 Killzone Critical Reception
3:44:45 Tracey Lien

Game Under Episode 29

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0:00:47 Introduction Theme Explained.

Final Impressions
0:02:43 Enslaved: Odyssey to the West (Spoilers)
0:10:40 Buddists
0:27:50 Steam, Where is the Quality Control?
0:31:00 Where is the Shelf-life for Video Games?
0:33:33 HD Re-mixes and Game Compilations

1:23:20 Retro City Rampage
1:25:30 Journey of a Roach

First Impressions
1:38:15 Driver San Francisco 
1:54:30 WWE2K14

2:11:15 News
Dude Gets XB1 Early 
Sony Multiplayer $50 a year or $10 a month 
Sony Opens Up a PS4 
Call of Duty Critical Response 
MS CEO Will 86 XB1? 

Aural Review
2:40:15 Pigsy’s Perfect 10

Game Under Episode 28

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0:00:00 It Happens in Saints Row
0:01:42 Phil Wants To Shoot Things

First Impressions
0:02:56 Back to the Future Eps 2,3 and 4

Adventure Game News Wrap-Up
0:08:25 Walking Dead 2 and Lead Character Choice
0:10:12 Wadjet Eye Free Codes Stolen

Tom Interviews NIS
0:13:08 Phil Thinks The Questions are Too Long

Final Impressions
0:16:05 The Stanley Parable Demo
0:24:55 English Narators

0:31:27 Stanley Parable Removing Controversial Scenes 
0:42:27 Tiger Woods Dropped by EA 
0:46:36 Titanfall Launch and Exclusivity, COD and the Future of Shooters 
0:57:27 Call of Duty? Yes P's 
1:07:15 Nintendo and Sony's Woes
1:16:37 GTAV Sells 29 Million and Retreating Reviewers 

Tom Towers’ Aural Review of Saints Row IV
1:21:26 Will Tom Like It More than The Third?

Game Under Episode 27

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0:00:10 Sprechen ze Deutsch
0:02:04 Reader Reviews

Final Thoughts
0:06:31 Dragon's Crown
0:07:00 Can an Influence be Irrelevant?
0:10:47 Can BEUP's Be Described as a Genre?

First Impressions
0:19:40 Ni No Kuni: Wrath of The White Witch

More Final Thoughts
0:25:45 Goodbye Deponia
0:26:34 Metacritic Score/ Critical Response
0:29:50 Similarity to Monkey Island?
0:30:17 Analysis of German Humour
0:33:30 Contextual (Racist?) Humour and the Global Market
0:47:15 Japanese Humour
0:49:10 How South Park and Baseketball Ties Into This

Even More Final Thoughts
0:50:45 Back to the Future: Episode One

Indy Wrap-up
0:57:35 Phil Gets Tom's Thoughts on The Stanley Parable, Gone Home and The Wolf Among Us (Some Lesbian Content)

1:08:42 News
Critical Reception: Beyond: Two Souls
Nude Ellen Paige "Controversy"
Wii Discontinued in Japan and Europe
GTAV Online
Critical Reception: Batman: Arkham Origins

Tom Towers' Aural Review
1:40:07 Saints Row The Third


Game Under Episode 26

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Trademark Banter
0:01:12 Phil Reviews Tom's Review of The Raven: Legacy of a Master Thief
0:02:46 The Mystery of Episode 24
0:03:42 Phil Pre-orders a 2DS and PS4 (and some games)

First Impressions
0:09:46 GTA V is... complicated
0:14:23 Ludonarrative Dissonance STOP IT!
0:28:37 Dragon's Crown

Yakuza Killzone Minute (Could this be the end?)
0:55:30 Yakuza 5 Is Not Coming West
1:00:49 Guerilla Games Hates Killzone

Obituary Section
1:08:52 Tom Clancy Has No Japanese Mafia Connections

1:14:34 Half-Life 3 a European Exclusive? 
1:16:43 Valve's Steam Machine, OS and Controller 

Final Thoughts
1:35:29 The Raven: Legacy of a Master Thief

Aural Review
1:51:20 Saints Row 2


Game Under Episode 25

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0:00:18 No Time for Trademark Banter, It's a BIG SHOW

Final Thoughts
0:02:00 Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
0:16:30 The Raven - Legacy of a Master Thief

First Impressions
0:39:10 Saints Row 4
0:53:25 Saints Row 2
1:29:25 Grand Theft Auto 5

News (1:53:00 - 2:36:45)
GTAV Critical Response 
GTAV Commercial Reception 
Hotline Miami Article 
SEGA Buys Atlus 
Yamauchi Dead 
Wind Waker Critical Response 
Aussie Takeover of EA 

2:36:45 What Makes and Open World Game?

Tom Towers Aural Review
2:45:40 Mafia II

Game Under Episode 23

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0:02:45 No Trademark Banter. This Time We Mean It

First Impressions
0:04:35 Saints Row 4

Final Thoughts
0:13:52 Papers, Please (Major Gameplay and Story Spoilers)

First Impressions
0:48:21 Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons

1:00:50 Vin Diesel & HIS Diehard Gamers
1:03:18 Playstation Vita TV
1:08:04 Vita 2000 for Japan
1:13:03 Steam's New "Feature"
1:22:00 NPD
1:31:35 Tom Says Publishers Need To Sell Worse Games To Survive (And he's right)

YakuzaKillzone Minute
1:37:15 Killzone Mercenary for Vita Came Out
1:40:50 Tom Recants His 10/10 For Killzone 2 Multiplayer
1:44:20 What Could Kill Sony Instantly
1:46:25 Tom Suggest a Revision to Our Scoring System
1:48:30 Yakuza: Restoration is for PS3/4 and Vita

More News
1:48:55 Criterion reduced to 16 people
1:54:20 Hotline Miami "Controversy" 

Final Impressions
2:02:45 Left4Dead 1 (in Left4Dead2)


Game Under Episode 22

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0:00:21 Tom Towers "Valve of the Gaming Press"

(Not) Trademark Banter
0:02:47 Phil Reads Some Game Books (one good, one bad)
0:07:02 Phil Goes To The Video Game Store

Final Impressions
0:09:30 Flower
0:17:01 Journey

0:35:28 Killzone 2 Redux
0:39:40 Cover Based Shooting (TM)
0:40:45 The Select Button
0:42:00 Still a Looker
0:42:25 The Last Level
0:44:05 Friendly AI
0:46:10 Finish KZ2 Without Killing Anyone?
0:46:45 Multiplayer

That's All Folks
0:49:00 Listen to Episode 21, especially the Max Payne 3 part!


Game Under Episode 21

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Trademark Banter
0:01:20 Cricket Talk From One of Our Listeners

Best and Worst of the Week
0:04:25 Phil Names and Shames a Retailer
0:05:15 Tom's Best of the Week
0:06:30 Phil talks about Ready Player One

Papers, Please 10/10?
0:13:35 Phil Reconsiders


0:15:20 Borderlands 2 Coming to Vita 
0:15:40 Vita Pricedrop to $199 
0:18:30 2DS? More like 2D,YES! 
0:30:50 Windwaker HD Bundle $299 
0:31:25 Back to the 2DS (The design)
0:35:21 Nintendo Release Dates 
0:37:20 Rayman: Legends Critical Reception
0:41:50 Fallout: Lanius Mini-Review 

YakuzaKillzone Minute
0:45:00 Eu Getting Killzone Bundle with Extra Controller and Camera

Tom Tower's Aural Review
0:49:30 Max Payne 3 (contains slight spoilers of Max Payne 3)
1:10:40 Max Payne 1 & 2 Spoilers Start Here
1:23:19 Not Noir, Not Even Neo-Noir?
1:33:00 LA Noire The First and Last AAA Australian Game?
1:35:55 Baseball Bat Boy Talk
1:39:30 Damned if They Do, Damned if they Don't
1:40:32 Phil and Tom Write Max Payne 4
1:44:05 Pubic Afro Deficiency (Major Problem With Game)
1:46:35 Phil and Tom Write Max Payne 5
1:52:15 The Audio. Something About Witch House
2:20:25 Score Time


Game Under Episode 20

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Trademark Banter
0:02:05 English Cricket Team Tactics
0:04:35 Gamespot Killing User Created Boards and Unions

First and Final Impressions/ Thoughts
0:09:26 Papers, Please
0:14:15 Carmen San Diego Image Search (Without Safe Search)

Nintendo Coverage Special Correspondent Rob Lowzak
0:42:42 Pikmin 3
0:58:10 Wonderful 101
1:07:30 Game and Wario
1:19:30 Earthbound

1:30:30 Sony News
1:36:10 Mostly Erroneous Gamescom News
1:38:35 XCOM Declassified Critical Response
1:42:30 Saints Row IV Declassified Critical Response
1:47:30 Distributor Confirms Saints Row IV Delay in Australia
1:49:50 Shuhei Falls Asleep

SHOCK YakuzaKillzone Minute Returns
1:54:11 Yakuza Ishin Announced
1:56:50 Killzone 4 Mulitplayer Details

2:01:30 Did Elder Scrolls Online Just Commit Suicide?
2:05:00 The "Big" List of Confirmed Xbox One Games
2:07:00 XBOX coming With FIFA
2:08:05 GTAV Station List Leaked

2:11:30 Third-Person Shooters

Aural Review:
3:10:22 Max Payne 2


Game Under Episode 19

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Intro Music: Noir
0:00:19 Phil Fogg, Executive Producer, Returns with Tom Towers, Staff Writer at

(Not) Trademark Banter
0:01:40 Phil Attends State Fair (Spoiler Free)

Best and Worst of The Week
0:04:33 Tom's Best of the Week
0:05:24 Serial Experiments Lain (discussion of SUDA ensues)
0:12:20 Is SUDA an adherent to Auteur Theory or Avante-Garde?
0:14:41 Molyneux is Truly Avante-Garde
0:16:37 The Residents Prove You Can Stay Within a Medium and Still Be Avante-Garde
0:19:20 Is SUDA Limited By Lack of Resources/ Technical Tools/ Japan
0:21:54 Phil's Best of The Week
0:24:16 Tom Asks: PC Versus Console?
0:26:46 Tom's Worst of the Week
0:28:39 More (Not) Trademark Banter from Phil Fogg
0:29:41 Phil's Worst of the Week

Final Thoughts
0:31:38 Vanquish (Including Scores)
0:38:47 Thomas Was Alone (Our Highest Rated Game Ever?)
0:43:51 (Newsish) Volume, Mike Bithell's New Game

First Impressions
0:44:36 Bioshock 2 (in brief)

More Final Thoughts
0:45:34 Bastion

0:56:35 XBOX One Dis-Kinected (and conversation about EVERYTHING in gaming)
1:16:58 GTA5 Online
1:20:22 Splinter Cell Critical Reception
1:21:42 Duck Tales Critical Reception
1:26:53 Valve Vetran Leaves for Microsoft
1:27:55 NPD
1:36:15 Wii U Yakuza 1 and 2 HD Sells Less Than 2000 Copies

Tom Tower's Aural Review of Max Payne
1:37:54 Memory Games
1:45:45 A Discussion of Writing as a Profession
1:58:00 Sports Writing/ Radio and TV Personalities
2:04:00 Phil's Favorite Era of Writing (1915-1930)
2:05:25 Back to Max Payne

2:37:55 Video Games in News Search Engines

Game Under Episode 18

Stream below or right-click and download here You can also listen on Stitcher and iTunes. Why not subscribe to us on RSS? Phil and Tom leave it all on the field this week.

0:01:00 What? Where's Phil!? John Aarny Steps to the Plate.
0:01:30 Trademark Banter
0:02:25 Tom Exploits Phil's Absense By Pimping Zeno Clash 2 Review on (TM)

First Impressions of Payday 2 (The Beta)
0:03:10 What is New
0:05:07 Tom Towers Pulls a Phil Fish (encourages suicide)
0:07:39 John. "The PC Version is Better"
0:08:31 "Just Buy Payday 1"
0:09:18 John Gets His Hopes Up

Final Thoughts of Thomas Was Alone
0:11:01 John's Impressions
0:16:32 Tom's Impressions
0:18:45 I love Danny Wallace!
0:19:05 BAFTA History (Amazing)

First Impressions of Vanquish
0:27:05 Four Months Worth of Game
0:29:10 The most "amazing" 14 seconds of audio you'll hear this year
0:44:58 Awards Vanquish Has Received
0:46:29 She's a Looker

54:38 Carmack Joins Oculus VR
1:00:26 Nintendo Still Selling Wii U at a Loss
1:05:33 PlayStation All-Stars Island Announced for iOS / Android / Coke Zero [Free / Summer]

Some Impressions
1:12:45 Red Faction (yes, the original)
1:21:42 Another World
1:34:55 Tom Reveals His 10 out of 10 Games
1:35:30 Worms Revolution

Tom and John's Challenge
1:47:00 Beating 52 Games in a Year

Outro Song Introduced
1:53:30 Let's Get Randy

Game Under Episode 17

Stream below or right-click and download here You can also listen on Stitcher and iTunes. Why not subscribe to us on RSS? Phil and Tom leave it all on the field this week. Sure, we played some obscure games, but damnit, we make it entertaining as all "get-out". 

0:01:00 Tom's Contract With

Trademark Banter
0:01:42 Phil Accidentally Goes To a Video Game Store (Stories Ensue)

(Almost) Final Impressions
0:05:39 Atlus' "Zeno Blade 2" (PC, PS3, XBLA)
0:06:10 Chile Invented Giant Head
0:06:30 Zeno vs. Xeno
0:08:17 People With Old TV's Revolt!
0:09:00 Who is To Blame for Non-Compliance in Gaming on TV's?
0:12:15 *Final Impressions of Zenoblade 2 Resume*
0:21:00 Defying Conventions; Giving a Gun to Prove it is Not the Best Weapon
0:23:51 Why Phil Doesn't Design Games (according to Tom)
0:25:43 Tom's Thoughts on Mad Max

0:26:47 Phil Derails Zeno Clash 2 Impressions

(Almost) Final Impressions
0:30:35 Team Ace's Zeno Clash 2 (PC, PS3, XBLA) Resumes
0:37:40 Politics Done Right (according to Tom)
0:39:00 Mud Person

The Real Introduction
0:44:15 Phil Fogg: A Real Professional

Eurogamer's Review of Leisure Suit Larry
0:48:20 Oh Ellie Gibson :_(
0:50:48 Tom Ends His Career Prospects

Final Impressions
0:51:23 Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine

0:54:32 Sony Financials (and Real Estate Conversation)
0:55:49 What's Up With Insurance These Days?
0:57:00 Phil Is Not Bothered By Vita's Failure (and how it relates to Wii U)
1:01:43 Nintendo's Mixed Success
1:11:01 What Could Have Been at E3
1:12:37 Take 2 Files New Bully Trademark
1:14:02 Red Dead Sequel
1:15:03 Deep Down Details
1:17:05 Pikmin 3 Critical Reception
1:23:40 Valve Is a Lie
1:28:35 EDGE Magazine Ten Scores
1:41:34 Sir Alex Ferguson Plays Football Manager

Final Impressions
1:44:28 Retro City Rampage

Game Under Episode 16

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0:00:45 Something Tom Wanted
0:01:20 Introduction

Trademark Banter
0:01:50 Follow Up to Neverwinter Interview

First Impressions
0:05:45 Tom's Mystery Game Revelead

Final Thoughts
0:19:10 Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine
0:46:40 Leisure Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards: Reloaded
1:12:45 Worms Revolution

1:18:00 Eidos Founder Quits
1:20:20 Micosoft is Poor with Indepedents
1:22:00 No, Wait, Microsoft is Cool with Independents
1:24:05 Actually, Microsoft is Not Cool with Independents
1:27:45 Gran Turismo Film Announced
1:32:05 Activision Confirms Six Games for Wii U

Aural Review
Bioshock Infinite
1:36:00 The Aesthetics
2:08:00 The Gameplay
2:25:30 Tom's Score
2:28:10 The Legacy of the Bioshock Trilogy (Spoilers for all three games start here)

Game Under Episode 15

Stream above or right-click and download here You can also listen on Stitcher and iTunes. Why not subscribe to us on RSS 

0:01:40 Trademark Banter
0:02:25 Self-Referential Gaming P.R. (Tom's interview with the C.O.O of Neverwinter)

Audio Review Plus First Impressions
00:12:06 Hotline Miami
00:34:34 Music in Games (Still on Hotline Miami)

Feature One
00:37:31 The Aesthetic Redundancy of Synaesthesia [Dyad Review]

0:54:18 Atlus For Sale Again
0:58:28 NPD (and How Nintendo Will Solve Wii U... Maybe)

Aural Review
1:11:54 The Walking Dead: 400 Days (No Spoilers)

Feature Two
1:28:35 The Walking Dead Spoilercast Within a Podcast (Lots of Spoilers)

Aural Review
2:49:38 Bioshock 2 (Some Spoilers)
2:55:15 Phil Recants Last Week's Comments

Outro Song

Game Under Episode 14

Stream above or right-click and download here You can also listen on Stitcher and iTunes. Why not subscribe to us on RSS?

0:00:34 Introduction
0:01:12 Bioshock is Our New Overlord
0:01:49 Most Influential Game of the Generation?

Trademark Banter

0:05:04 PS4: To Pre-order, or not to pre-order, that is the question.
0:13:10 PS4 Launch Line-Up, Our Opinions.

Final Thoughts

0:16:09 Activision Hits Remixed (PSP)
0:17:54 How To Do a Collection Right
0:20:11 Best and Worst Collections in Gaming History (NB: Phil Forgets Super Mario All-Stars for SNES)

First Impressions

0:25:23 The Raven: Legacy of a Master Thief
0:43:26 Cinematics in Games

Final Thoughts

0:50:45 Killzone 3 (Spoilers Throughout)
First Impressions
1:04:05 Halo Combat Evolved (HD) 360


1:07:45 Ryan Davis is Dead
1:09:26 Dota 2 Is Out of Beta
1:09:31 GameStop is No Longer Taking PS4 Pre-Orders
1:10:44 Last of Us Sells 3.4 Million Copies
1:11:59 XBLA Summer of Arcade
1:12:30 Insomniac's New Ratchet and Clank
1:17:29 GTA5 Gameplay Footage Released (and why Rockstar is like Kanye West)
1:25:16 Nintendo Coming to Terms With HD Game Development (and Ubi's Comment on Zombie U 2)
1:32:05 Digital PS4 Games Accessible From Any Console
1:34:19 What Could Have Been: SEGA/Sony Buyout

Aural Review 
1:35:57 Bioshock (Spoilers)

Game Under Episode 13

Stream above, or right-click then save as to download here. You can also listen on Stitcher and iTunes. Why not subscribe to us on RSS?

Opening Theme
0:00:14 Original Composition Inspired by Killzone 3

0:01:25 It's Certainly a Thrill

Pre-Trademark Banter
0:01:58 Out of Africa - Phil's Obsessed

Trademark Banter
0:04:06 Phil Buys Some Games

Featured Conversation
0:08:45 The Ethics and Reality of Used Games and Piracy
0:13:31 Phil Comes Out (as a game hoarder)
0:15:34 Back to Piracy and Used Games
0:25:18 Lords or Arcana Mystery
0:26:18 The Ethics and Reality of Used Games and Piracy Resumes

0:31:00 Anthropological Study of a GameStop
0:33:00 Last of Us Final Thoughts
0:34:10 Uncharted 3 is Racist (and Family Guy and Punjab Cuisine)
0:36:00 We are Down with Saudi Arabia
0:36:29 Last of Us Continues (Best Game Ever?)
0:37:00 No More Heroes Game of the Generation?
0:37:44 Top 25 DS Games of All Time
0:48:48 Last of Us - The Tone

First Impressions
0:51:45 Killzone 3
1:00:48 More Game Store Stories
1:03:16 Back to Killzone 3

S.T.A.L.K.E.R Segment
1:20:00 First, Some History
1:39:39 Aural Review of S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Shadow of Chernobyl

Outro: Solarium
2:44:36 From the - The Haunted Mansion Compilation Album.

Africa, we love you. 

Africa, we love you.